
Lancashire to Yorkshire to Hartlepool – Sisterly Dream Team

Many will have seen Alice House Hospice Business Boxes in various pubs, clubs and shops around Hartlepool and East Durham, but few may realise that the spare change collected raises an amazing £16,000 a year.

It is only possible to collect this money, which is enough to pay one Healthcare Assistant for a whole year, with the help of a number of volunteers.

“It has taken a long time to find volunteers who can take on the role of the previous volunteer.  I know these sisters will do an amazing job of collecting in the spare change, as well as finding new businesses to have a Business Box grace their countertop – I have every faith they will find the elusive Candlestick Makers.”

Senior Fundraising Manager, Rebecca Jobson

The latest recruits hail from Leeds and are sister duo June and Georgina who are replacing a long serving volunteer who retired last year, affectionately known by many as ‘the box man’.

June said
“We have big shoes to fill as the previous ‘box man’ had been collecting boxes for over 20 years but we are looking forward to getting stuck in”.

June moved to Hartlepool from Leeds in 2014 when she retired.  Together with her husband, Bob, they had always wanted to retire to the north east coast; with her sister previously moving to Hartlepool in 2010 it seemed as good a place as any.

Georgina is also retired and is looking forward to helping out when she isn’t looking after her 5 grandchildren.  The sisters moved to Yorkshire from Lancashire as children and are both enjoying retirement on the north east coast.

Both are members of local social group Butterflies so it is a wonder they have found the time to Volunteer for Alice House in-between grandchildren and socialising but Georgina said,
“Now the grandchildren are getting older and are in school, I have a couple of days spare to help out.  Our mum was cared for in St Gemma’s Hospice in Leeds, so I know first-hand what a difference hospice care makes.”

The Business Boxes are in a variety of business including butchers and bakers although not yet in a candlestick makers.

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  • Registered charity No. 510824
  • Company No. 1525658
  • © Alice House Hospice 2025

Hartlepool Hospice Ltd (known locally as Alice House Hospice and formerly Hartlepool & District Hospice)
Registered office: Alice House, Wells Avenue, Hartlepool, TS24 9DA.