
Alice House Hospice are excited about future developments for patients with Respiratory Disease

Barbara Thompson, Specialist Nurse, Respiratory introduces herself and how her new role will help patients from the local communities of Hartlepool and East Durham.

“Hi my name is Barbara Thompson I am the new Specialist Nurse, Respiratory at Alice House Hospice; people of Hartlepool community may know me from working in the Community Respiratory Service (CRAMS).

While working in CRAMS I encountered many chronically ill patients who required hospital admission due to unstable acute worsening of COPD and at the end stage of life and subsequently passed away in hospital.

It is that reason why I have taken on this new and exciting role here in Alice House Hospice to support patients in the community through their journey to end stage respiratory diseases and other life limiting illnesses.

Initially I aim to provide a Breathlessness Support Hub to help patients, family and carers. The hub is intended to offer education in breathing techniques, inhaler techniques, medication management, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), relaxation, yoga and complementary therapies.

Whilst attending the Breathlessness Support Hub patients, families and carers will be given the opportunity to be shown around the Hospice and the opportunity to discuss end of life care and preferred place to die to help reduce patients’ fears surrounding the Hospice and show what services we can offer, with the aim of reducing anxiety.

I am a non-medical prescriber with respiratory clinical skills and I am able to support patients should they become unwell and offer treatment for worsening of COPD and referral to appropriate services such as Hospital at Home.

I also aim to provide Hospice care at home should this be the preferred patient option to reduce hospital admission.

  • Registered charity No. 510824
  • Company No. 1525658
  • © Alice House Hospice 2025

Hartlepool Hospice Ltd (known locally as Alice House Hospice and formerly Hartlepool & District Hospice)
Registered office: Alice House, Wells Avenue, Hartlepool, TS24 9DA.