Forget me not, and think of me, the times I made you smile…
As summer approaches, many of us will be reminded of sunny days and happy times with people who are sadly no longer here. Whilst over time, we begin to accept the loss of a loved one, our memories of them never fade.
Alice House Hospice are inviting you to celebrate the lives of these much missed, special people in their Forget-Me-Not Appeal. Now in its fourth year, this campaign is a way for you to pay tribute to loved ones, whilst helping to sustain Hospice care in the region.
In return for a donation and dedication, Alice House will display your personalised Forget-Me-Not plaque in the Hospice garden, commemorating the life of the person that you are remembering.
You are also invited to a Forget-Me-Not event on 16 June from 10am until 1pm where you can have a quiet moment of reflection, collect your plaque and also enjoy some light refreshments.
Julie Hildreth, Senior Fundraising Manager at the Hospice said, “Many of the generous donations that we receive from the community are given in memory of loved ones. Without this kind of support, we would not be able to deliver the quality of care on which we pride ourselves. By taking part in this campaign you are making a real difference to local families accessing these services every single day. I hope that this summer creates some new memories that you will cherish in years to come.”
The Hospice will also be holding their first Summer Fayre alongside the Forget Me Not event from 11am on the same day in the grounds of Alice House. The fayre will include children’s rides, a variety of stalls, live music, refreshments and more. Visitors will also get the opportunity to meet and get photos with the Hospice’s new mascot Alice Mouse as well as Superman and Snow White.