
Massage offers so many benefits

Alice House Hospice offers a wide range of services one of which is Complementary Therapies; here we find out how massage has helped one patient.

“The massage treatment can help relax the body and mind, which are reacting to the pain from the site of the scar, so the treatment is beneficial to the patient in more ways than just pain relief.”

Emma Sanderson, Complementary Therapist

Barry initially visited the Health & Wellbeing Centre at Alice House when he joined the Breathlessness Clinic in 2015.  Having had surgery in 2010 following a diagnosis of lung cancer Barry was left with a large painful scar on his back and was receiving treatment at a local Pain Clinic.  The treatment consisted of injections along the site of the scar to help relieve the pain.

Whilst attending the Breathlessness Clinic Barry was invited to try some Complementary Therapies and opted for a massage.

Barry said of the treatment, “After I’d had the massage I immediately felt five times better, not only physically but mentally.  It was great for my family too as I was in a better mood when I got home.”

Emma Sanderson, Complementary Therapist said, “The massage treatment can help relax the body and mind, which are reacting to the pain from the site of the scar, so the treatment is beneficial to the patient in more ways than just pain relief.”

Barry felt so much better following his initial massage that he has continued to attend weekly for further treatments; although his funding only continued for one year he felt the treatment was so beneficial that he has self-funded since.

Barry said, “I have built up a lovely rapport with Emma and find time during my massage to chat with her about all sorts; the ‘talk time’ is like therapy as well as the massage.”

Barry hasn’t had a bad episode of pain which has required treatment at the Pain Clinic for 18 months now and will continue to visit Alice House for his weekly massage.

There are many benefits from massage and these can include:

  • Uplifting mood
  • Reducing anxiety and depression
  • Promoting circulation and blood flow to muscles
  • Reducting stress and tension and promoting relaxation in both body and mind
  • Improving sleep quality
  • Providing a boost to the immune system

For more information about Complementary Therapies and the kind of treatments available please visit the link below or contact or telephone 01429 855555.

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  • Registered charity No. 510824
  • Company No. 1525658
  • © Alice House Hospice 2025

Hartlepool Hospice Ltd (known locally as Alice House Hospice and formerly Hartlepool & District Hospice)
Registered office: Alice House, Wells Avenue, Hartlepool, TS24 9DA.