
Fabulous support …

When Alice House Hospice made a facebook appeal for wheelchair donations there was a fabulous response from generous supporters including Sylvia Anderson and her husband Reg.

Sylvia and Reg not only bought Alice House a brand new wheelchair, but also a stack of luxurious towels for the Complementary Therapy Service and a thermometer.  Sylvia has a very long connection with the Hospice; her first husband was a patient at the the Hospice in Hutton Avenue.

Sylvia is a very keen crafter and over the years has used her skills as making greetings cards to raise an impressive amount of money for Alice House.  In fact, Sylvia and Reg are a very talented pair; Reg is a skilled woodworker who can turn his hand to making almost anything without the need for plans.

In addition to raising money from crafting, Sylvia supports the Hospice by running tombolas and raffles, donating prizes and is embarking on a new project making vintage-style aprons and peg bags to sell.

Even though she has a very busy life she still makes time to come along to our quarterly Friends Group meetings and shows a keen interest in our fundraising events.

Sylvia is now Reg’s full-time carer and they both look forward to Fridays when Reg attends Day Care at Alice House where he enjoys various activities such as quizzes and generally putting the world to rights with his friends. This gives Sylvia the opportunity to shop, run her errands and have a bit of “me” time.

In February Sylvia and Reg paid us a special visit to present their wonderful gifts and enjoy a cuppa.

Rebecca Jobson, Senior Manager Communications and Supporter Care said, “This is a wonderful thing that Sylvia and Reg have done.  We always have a ‘wish list’ of items which we need to find funding for so when they got in touch to offer their support it was really exciting.  That’s three really useful items which we now don’t need to find resources to purchase meaning that our funds are directed straight into patient care.  Thank you Sylvia and Reg!”

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  • Registered charity No. 510824
  • Company No. 1525658
  • © Alice House Hospice 2025

Hartlepool Hospice Ltd (known locally as Alice House Hospice and formerly Hartlepool & District Hospice)
Registered office: Alice House, Wells Avenue, Hartlepool, TS24 9DA.