Art sessions reveal what Alice House really means to the people who use it
People access Social Day Care at Alice House for many reasons and during their visits there are lots of different activities to join in with.
Here Jan Dunn, Senior Healthcare Assistant at Social Day Care talks about the art sessions which have been taking place.
“Within our Wellbeing Centre Social Day we are fortunate to have access to some very creative artists from the Hen power organisation.
Over the weeks the group have been exploring art pieces using clay, they have produced wind chimes and individual animal pieces which they could take home to enjoy.”
Seeing the satisfaction this gave them and the beautiful pieces that had been created I really wanted to capture this and create a group project to be displayed within the Wellbeing Centre.
“We had six people involved in this project with each choosing a word that represented the Hospice to them, I feel that the six words chosen truly epitomises Alice House. Together we have the wisdom to provide the care we do, the love that people feel in our environment, the peace within our safe walls, the friends made with peers, the change that Alice House can have on people’s lives and finally life representing the new lease of life we give to each and every person attending our Social Day Care Service.
I am extremely proud of what the group have achieved and the representation of Alice House in these words, please come and take a look at this beautiful piece which is displayed proudly on our Wellbeing Centre wall.”
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