
The Tree of Purpose

Why we do what we do...

Jen Aylesbury, Oupatient Services Manager at Alice House Hospice recently attended a Clinical Supervisory Skills Workshop and as part of this took part in many sessions throughout the day; by far the most powerful session was when she was asked what her purpose was within her role.

Jen said, “It made me sit back, it made me think, it made me realise why I do what I do and why I do it where I do.  No matter what you do, your job exists for a reason. When you know that reason and when you fully understand how your efforts make a difference you have found your job’s purpose.  I wanted to share this experience with all of my colleagues at Alice House Hospice and asked each one of you why you do what you do…in turn creating OUR organisations purpose.  The tree is a widespread symbol of life, it’s body rooted in earth with its crown dancing in the sky and therefore it felt apt to create this beautiful piece with the tree symbol at its heart.”

Jen continued, “I hope this makes everyone, whether it be staff and volunteers working here, or patients and their families, smile and remind them even on the toughest of days the purpose of the Alice House Hospice team.  It has been such a lovely project to be involved in.”

The tree of purpose is displayed for patients, visitors, staff and volunteers alike in the Long Term Care Unit, Inpatient Unit and the Wellbeing Centre.

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  • Registered charity No. 510824
  • Company No. 1525658
  • © Alice House Hospice 2025

Hartlepool Hospice Ltd (known locally as Alice House Hospice and formerly Hartlepool & District Hospice)
Registered office: Alice House, Wells Avenue, Hartlepool, TS24 9DA.