Helpful Contact Information
Many people are finding the current situation very difficult, that is completely normal, here are some numbers and information that might be helpful.
- Welfare Helpline (HBC) – 01429 284284 for those on a low/ no income, those applying for benefits and waiting for payments, those in financial hardship – access to food vouchers, gas/electricity top ups, microwaves/kettles/slow cookers etc.
- Support Hub Helpline (HBC) – 01429 272905 or email Aimed at those self-isolating or unable to leave home. The Support Hub offers: Information & Advice, Emotional Support, Delivery of Food & Prescriptions and Links to Other Services. Operating 10-4 Mondays to Fridays, 10-2 Saturdays.
- Burbank Community Centre – 07472 358704 or “Poolie Time Exchange” on Facebook. Distributing Food and Hot Meals (also desperately in need of volunteers, food, kitchen space and money to provide for increasing numbers of individuals and families in need.)
- Hartlepool Foodbank – 01429 598404. Based at 28 Church Street, Hartlepool. Check their Facebook page for opening times.
- Hartlepool Food Network– 07967 671046. Collecting unwanted fresh food and sharing it with people in need.
- Mental Health Support – 07377 140141. Hartlepool & East Durham Mind.
- Families Helpline – 01429 891444. Changing Futures North East, offering relationship support to families who might be struggling in these difficult times.
- Domestic Abuse Helpline – 03000 202525. Harbour – (24 hours a day.)
- Personal Crisis Helpline – Samaritans Call free on 116 123, 24 hours a day and remember, if you are in personal danger, if you feel you are about to harm yourself or someone else, then call 999 or go to your nearest accident and emergency. (Click here for more information.)