
Let us help you with April’s Stress Awareness Month

Let the Holistic Wellbeing Centre help you throughout Stress Awareness Month this April, the perfect time to think about your own stress levels.

If you often feel anxious, agitated, overwhelmed or like you are unable to cope it is likely that your stress levels are too high.

Having high stress levels makes you feel awful, it can also lower your immunity and lead to ill health. Making time to take control of you stress levels is important to ensure you lead a healthy and happy life.

The therapies and activities available at Hartlepool Holistic Wellbeing Centre are a perfect way to reduce your stress levels and enjoy some well-deserved me time, relaxing both the mind and body.

For example:

  • A soothing massage can ease mental and physical tension, reducing the stress hormones and increasing feel good chemicals in the body.
  • A deeply relaxing meditation session allows you to press pause on your day and regain mental clarity and focus.
  • A creative crafting session will leave you feeling inspired with the bonus of taking home something wonderful that you have created.

You may enjoy a full day workshop, or pop in for a 30 minute massage but it’s important to take that time for yourself.

“The Team at the Holistic Wellbeing Centre are delighted  to announce that we are now able to resume our provision of our wonderful therapies, treatments and mindful craft workshops just in time for April’s Stress Awareness Month.  Our Centre is here for the whole community to enjoy and provides an income stream for Alice House Hospice.  You can access a wide range of treatments and activities including massage, meditation groups, reiki, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, retreats, events and workshops.  We look forward to welcoming you in.”

Jan Grocott, Senior Manager Therapeutic Services

By taking care of yourself you are ensuring you are able to take care of those you love.

For more information please contact the Holistic Wellbeing Team on 01429 855595

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or visit our Holistic & Complementary Therapies page

  • Registered charity No. 510824
  • Company No. 1525658
  • © Alice House Hospice 2025

Hartlepool Hospice Ltd (known locally as Alice House Hospice and formerly Hartlepool & District Hospice)
Registered office: Alice House, Wells Avenue, Hartlepool, TS24 9DA.