Light up a Life 2020
Our Light up a Life services of remembrance should have been held in Hartlepool and Peterlee on the 17th/18th December.
As the services are unable to proceed, we have received a special Christmas message from Father Richard at Saint Paul’s Church and a reading from Apolena Wilson of Victoria House Funeral Service, which you can watch on the video below.
You can also view a digital version of the Book of Remembrance below.
If you were planning to attend the service, we hope this offers you some small comfort and that we can all be together again next year.
Thanks to Father Richard, our sponsors at Victoria House and all who have taken part in the appeal.
You can still make a dedication as part of our Light up a Life campaign, all dedications will be added to the Book of Remembrance which will be available to view at Alice House Hospice once Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted.